Certificates of Insurance

Provide proof of insurance and detail your limits and coverages.

getting a certificate

It is increasingly common for other organizations and/or people (third parties) to request some evidence that the fraternity/sorority or chapter has insurance coverage in place. The form that confirms that coverage is, in fact, in place is called the Certificate of Insurance, and it shows your limits and coverages.

In addition, it is also very common for you to receive a request from a lender requesting that you provide evidence that you carry property insurance. Banks often require you to list them as a mortgagee or loss payee on your policy for property for which they provide a loan. Companies from whom you lease equipment, such as a copy machine vendor, also often request proof that you are carrying insurance to cover any damage to their equipment.

A Certificate of Insurance details your limits and coverages, and you’re likely to need a copy for more than your own information.


If you’re planning an event, you can fill out the Event Certificate form to request proof of coverage. Event Certificates typically take at least two weeks to process, so be sure to request a certificate well in advance of your event.

Non-Event-Specific Certificates

If you need proof of coverage for your own records or for loan applications and rentals, you can request a Non-Event-Specific Certificate.

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event certificates

To request a Certificate of Insurance for an event, please fill out the request form at least two weeks prior to your event.

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non-event certificates

To request a Certificate of Insurance for a university, mortgagee, bank, or loss payee, please complete the Non-Event Certificate of Insurance Request Form.

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resources for event planning

Planning an event? Our resource library’s event planning section has everything you need to get started, from requesting certificates to reviewing contracts.


Have questions? Take a look at our certificate and event FAQs.

What is a third-party (e.g., in reference to a contract)?
When we reference a “third party” in our Certificate/Event Review Request Form, we are referring to any entity other than the parties to the contract.
How long does it take to process a Certificate of Insurance?
It depends on what exactly is required by the specific venue and the nature of the event. We require two weeks’ notice for Certificate of Insurance/Event Review requests.
I need a Certificate of Insurance for a third party
what next?
All Certificate requests must be submitted directly via an online form.
I have a Certificate of Insurance for an event we held last month. Can I use it again for another event?
No, Certificates of Insurance are all issued on an event specific basis; therefore, each time someone requests a Certificate of Insurance, you must obtain another Certificate of Insurance.
Does MJ Insurance approve events?
No, MJ Insurance offers recommendations based on prudent risk management. Your national organization has the ultimate decision as to the approval of your event based on your organization’s risk management policies and the specifics of the event.
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