Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Reviewing Contracts 101

A helpful resource on contract basics.

Steps to Receiving your Certificate of Insurance in a Timely Manner

A helpful resource to review before signing a contract.

Position Paper: Event Planners

Some concerns to be aware of when using event planners.

Requesting a Certificate Flowchart (printable)

A printable decision-tree to walk you through the process of requesting a Certificate of Insurance.

Position Paper: Liability Waivers & Template

Our risk management position on the use of liability waivers and our waiver template for our clients’ use.

Certificates of Insurance Basics

Certificates of Insurance 101 and FAQs.

Certificates of Insurance: What and Why?

What are Certificates of Insurance and why would someone want one from you.

Risky Activities

What constitutes a risky activity and how can you make them less risky?